No Country For Zombies
No Country For Zombies is a multiplayer game based on Unity and C#, played on Microsoft PixelSense and Android phones.
Players who are using their phones to play, are spawned into the labyrinth and have a first-person perspective. Their goal is to cooperate and overcome the zombies and other monsters with appropriate weapons.
Another player who is in control of the PixelSense is responsible for creating the zombies and monsters. Pixelsense shows the map of the laybrinth in a top down view. The player can spawn monsters by using few different 3D printeD figures. These figures have fiducial markers under them, which PixelSense can recognise. According to the recognised fiducial marker, monsters are spawned in-game.
You can see photos of people playing and additional information at our webpage
Date | November 2017 - January 2018 |
Course | DH2413 Advanced Graphics and Interaction |
Team | 6 People |
Tools | Unity, Microsoft Pixelsense |
My Role | Developing of spawning of enemies after the fiducials are recognised by Microsoft PixelSense. Co-developing recognition of fiducials. Worked on model assets for enemies and their animations. Prepared models and 3D printed the figures. |
Video from development. Testing the spawning of monsters with a fiducial.
One of the 3D printed fiducials that is used to spawn a dragon.