
Umb-vr-ella is a virtual reality game where an umbrella is your only help during free fall. You need to collect coins, use boosters and avoid bombs to survive.

The game is implemented in Unreal Engine and played on a Oculus Rift headset. The player uses a physical umbrella and the movement of the physical umbrella is mapped to ingame movement of the character via a phone that is attached to the umbrella.

We have showcased the game at ForskarFredag to high school students. We have also showcased at Mission IX.

You can see photos of people playing and additional information about responsibilities at our webpage

Date September 2017 - October 2017
Course DH2413 Advanced Graphics and Interaction
Team 5 People
Tools Unreal Engine, Oculus Rift
My Role Implementation of the interactable objects; plusses that increases the player’s point, bombs that decreases the player’s healt, rings that alters the player movement. Functionality to change the game levels if the criterias are fulfilled. Additionally, helped with mapping the phone movement to ingame umbrealla/character movement. Volumetric clouds and landscape that changes texture according to the heigh has also been implemented, however was removed later on due to low FPS issues.